Thursday, March 7, 2013

Three Month Update

Guys, time is flying! Alessandro is three months old now! He’s almost rolling over and trying so hard to sit up.. what happened to my little baby? In the past couple days, he’s discovered how loudly he can “talk”, so that’s been really fun (something I’ll regret saying in a couple months, probably!).

We’ve been busy this week; Saturday we went to Auburn for a weekend visit, and then we came straight to Collierville, TN to stay with my grandma for a while. He did wonderfully on the car rides, as usual. He has really turned into a happy baby, and is just so much fun! I don’t know for sure, but I think it’s partly because he’s already been dragged along on so many adventures that he’s pretty flexible and easy-going. I mean, he had his first international flight at six weeks. He’s pretty adaptive! He’s also playing on his own now, which is great for me! He was having to be held all the time, but in the past couple weeks, he’s been enjoying laying out on his playmat or on his Boppy and looking at and grabbing toys, which also gives me some free time!

I’ve gotten a lot of questions about my future plans, so I thought I’d give a tentative outline in this post. I’m staying with my parents until June 19 while Paolo is out in San Francisco for his semester. He’ll be coming here in a couple weeks for a visit, and then in May when his school lets out. We (Alessandro and I) are also most likely going out there at the end of April, which I’m really excited about!  Anyways, June 19, we’re flying back to Italy to spend the summer there, at the beach. The complicated thing about an international baby is that everyone wants to see him! I wish the whole family could be in one place so it wasn’t going to be so back and forth, but it will probably never be that way. So, after the summer, probably in September, there are several courses of action we could take, but that remains to be seen! The most likely seems to be that I’ll come back to the US to find a big girl job while Paolo finishes school, so that stinks that we’ll be apart, but at some point, I guess I have to work.

Speaking of work, I’ve decided I would really like to pursue a career in writing. I’ve been floundering back and forth over the past couple years, and have considered everything from opening a restaurant to working in sales. But most of all, I would like to write. Especially since writing this blog, people have been telling me that’s what I should do, and I’m starting to think there may be something to it. But I have to find a way! And also, I don’t want to write books. I don’t have the attention span or desire to do that. That’s why I love blogging; it’s to the point, and I can do it when I feel the urge to do it, without having to have a flow with previous posts. So maybe a newspaper or magazine column would be ideal for me. If you have any advice on how to go about doing something like this, let me know, please! I think a blog is a great first step, so if you like my blog, follow me and/or share it, please, please, please!

Not only would writing be something I would enjoy, but it would give me the flexibility hopefully to stay home with my bebe more. I never thought I would want to be a stay-at-home mom, but pigs seem to be flying. I’ve been so blessed that both my parents and Paolo’s parents have given me the opportunity to spend time with Ale instead of working, but it won’t last forever, so I really want a job that still allows me the maximum time with him. I know, I want it all, right? Well, I’m going to try my best, so maybe in the next few months, I’ll have some happy future news!

Ciao for now,


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