Thursday, April 11, 2013

Rainy Day Ramblings

I know it’s been a while, but the things is, I just don’t write well unless I’m in the mood for it, or have some inspiration. My forced writings are never as good. That was always my issue with school papers, as well. I hate being given a topic that’s boring; then I’ll never feel like writing it.

Anyways, it’s been very busy lately. Last time I wrote, I was with my grandma in Tennessee. I stayed there for a couple weeks, then came back here in time for Paolo’s visit, and it seems like things haven’t slowed down since. We had a great visit, but of course, not long enough. He’s coming back in a week and a half though, so not as long this time. I won’t get to go out to San Francisco after all, unfortunately. It just got to be too expensive, with flight, hotel, etc. Not to mention that traveling with a four month is probably not that easy, if I have to guess. Even car rides are not as easy now; he won’t just sleep the whole time like he used to.

However, Alessandro is getting sweeter and sweeter every day. He laughs, he plays, he babbles; so sweet! He started eating oatmeal a couple weeks ago, and bananas this week, which he looooooooves! I, however, do not love the diaper that comes the next morning. But as long as he’s happy. He’s even sleeping better at night. During the day, not so much. He’ll cat-nap, but only in someone’s arms. The second his head hits the bed, he’s awake. It’s so hard to get anything done! I like co-sleeping at night, but I can’t just nap all day.. any suggestions? I don’t want to do the whole crying-it-out thing, but he does need to learn to go to sleep on his own.

Also in the past month, I’ve come up with a business idea. I’m currently writing a business plan, and hope to find financing when I get back from Italy in September. My idea is for a cafe that specializes in tea. I went to a similar place in Collierville, where my grandma lives, and it was (in my opinion, at least), such a great idea. It’s not really a tearoom, like where ladies lunch and such, but more like a cafe, but with tea instead of coffee. I’ve always preferred tea, so it was just perfect to me. If you live/lived in Cullman, take my survey concerning the business, please!

Oh, and I’m happy to report that my new cloth diapers are wonderful. They were inexpensive, and very effective. I’ve already ordered more! They’re called Sunbabies, and if you’re interested in cloth diapering, I would definitely recommend them (so far).

That’s about it for now, not a lot else going on! I’ll try to feel inspired to write more often in the future :)

Ciao for now,


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