I know, I’ve been slacking on my writing. In my defense, Paolo’s family was visiting all weekend, and I’ve been struggling. But I’m back, and so I’ll give a little life update.
First of all, in regards to my last post, there is a reason I don’t like to discuss politics. It’s because no matter what you say, your words can be misconstrued. I did state that I didn’t totally agree with the article I talked about, but simply that I thought the guy had some good points. I think abortion is a very deep issue, and in no way advocate it. I think too many politicians like to talk about it, but never actually do anything. Because of that, I think we as a population should start to question why it happens so much more frequently in the US than in other countries. Maybe then we can find a solution to that problem, and thus reduce the abortion rate, at the very least.
Anyways, enough of that. On to happier topics. I went to the doctor last Tuesday, and good news! First of all, I didn’t gain any weight (yay me!), but the baby did, so he is a healthy 5.5 pounds, and is down and in position to arrive! If you’re keeping track, I’m 36 weeks, so getting close.. the doctor also said that based on his measurements and position, he may be a little early, so let’s hope for that! I’m not sure how much longer my back/ribs can hold out, so I wouldn’t mind a couple weeks early. I mean, really, I’m probably doing ok for being in the 9th month, but even “ok” is still no party. I’m tired of asking people to do things for me, and not feeling like myself. Yoga and walking have helped my back, but still.. you can’t just gain 25 pounds and it not have some effect on your back. Aside from all of that, I’m just ready to meet little Alessandro!
I keep hearing about how difficult the first couple weeks are after baby arrives, and I’m trying to prepare myself. I mean, I realize sleep is not going to be in the cards that much, but as far as I can see, newborns just eat, sleep, and poop, so can it really be so awful? I know I’m being naive, and all you veteran moms are laughing at me now, but let me just live in my little delusions for a couple more weeks. I’ll figure it out.
In other news, not much is going on. I have a lot of doctor’s appointments and such this week, so big fun ahead. In closing, I’ll include a recipe that many Americans attempt and overcomplicate, but is so easy you’ll realize you never needed a recipe. So here is how to make authentic Italian bruschetta:
Toast as many pieces of bread as you want to make. Yes, just regular sliced bread will work fine.
Chop tomatoes (1 small one per person or 1 big one for two people) into small cubes, add a bit of olive oil, salt, and pepper, and mix.
Rub cloves of garlic (amount depends on how much you like garlic) over the toasted bread, and top with the tomato mixture.
Voila! That’s it, so easy!
Ciao for now,
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